Activities of JEPOC
Research and Investigation
JEPOC organizes researches and investigations for civil engineering technologies of electric power development both on independently and entrusted with Government, Public Service Corporations, Private Companis. Ad Hoc Committee will be composed with specialists as occasion demands.
Maim items in recent years.
- Investigation of earthquake-resistance efficiency against hydroelectric power generationg facilities.
- Environmental Assessments on proposing development sites.
- Study for mitigation of environmental issues in river basin.
- Survey of effective utilization and environmental preservation measures on surrounding fields of dam and power station.

- JEPOC Journal; 6 issues per annual. Technical research papers, Technical reports of constructions, Translated summery introduction of selected papers, Course of technical and engineering, etc.
- Others; Guidelines and instructions for civil engineering of electric power developments.

Publicities & Enlightenment
- Seminars, Wrokshops and Study Tours; several times per year.
- Commendation; Recognition of distinguished engineers.

Cooperation with other Organizations
- Participation in the Commision on Technical Standards.
- Cooperation with the Science Council of Japan.
- Member of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, JSCE.
- Member of Japan Commission on Large Dams, JCOLD.
With the development of engineers, JEPOC commends following Awards;
JEPOC Award for civil engineers on technical achievements since 1972.
Takahashi Award in commemorating of Dr Takahashi for authorized excellent researches on hydro power technologies, and research, development and invention on civil engineering related electric facilities since 1974.
Award for encouragement of technology; Civil engineers who is less than 36 years old and nominated by companies and/of association on design, research, planning and amaintenance made great contribution for the developed technologies on electric technologies since 1993.

[Reference] Electricity Supply in Japan

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8-2 Shibakoen 2-chome, Minato-ku,
Tokyo, 105-0011 Japan
Tel:81-3-3432-8905 / Fax:81-3-3435-1778